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Writer's pictureCoach Jason

Fall Fun: More classes, more programs, more robots, more friends!

Updated: Aug 28, 2022

As the new school year ramps up, we're expanding our offerings at RoboKai with opportunities for younger kids, member guests, and the general public to see what we have to offer. It's real fun with real robots and real friends!

First, we're expanding our regular classes with new days and times, Monday-Friday. Visit our calendar to see the times. Be sure to sign up for a free trial class if you haven't already.

Our first special events are two Back-to-School Robot Rumble events on Saturday, September 11th and 18th. We'll open our doors to anyone between 10am-12pm those mornings, and you can stop by to battle with some robots, play games with virtual robots, or just build something cool. You can drop by anytime between those hours, and stay for 15 minutes or the full 2 hours. And it's totally free!

We're also offering a new special workshop once a month starting in October for budding builders ages 5-6. The workshops, called Bots for Tots, run from 10:30am-12pm on Saturday mornings on the following dates: Oct. 9, Nov. 13, and Dec. 4. The registration cost is $30/child, and children in this workshop must be accompanied by parents. We'll introduce participants to robotics basics and play some fun games. You may attend just one workshop, or all three.

For our monthly members, we're going to host Bring-a-Buddy workshops from 10am-12pm on Saturday, Sept. 25 and Saturday, Oct. 23. Members at our Apprentice, Technician, and Master levels can bring one friend to work on robots, battle, programs, or just tinker.

Finally, we are going to host two holiday-themed workshops. Both are drop-off, pick-up events geared toward ages 7+, and registration is $25/child for each workshop. The first workshop is our Robot Monster Mash & Bash, from 10am-12pm on Saturday, Oct. 30, where we'll create costumes for our house robots, and then have them mash and bash each other in a glorious robot battle! Halloween treats included! The second workshop is our Jingle Bots Holiday Party, from 10am-12pm on Saturday, Dec. 11, where we'll program our house robots to play 8-bit carols while they dance. It's a fun way to learn the basics of coding robots.

These events are a great way to learn more about our club and programs, and will be a ton of fun. Be sure to visit our website to learn more about our monthly membership programs. And share the link with your friends who may be interested.

Let's build robots and make friends this fall!

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